Sunday meal prep

A few years ago, I started carving out time on Sundays to prep some food for the week. Some weeks all I can muster up is the girls' school lunches for Monday. But when I'm feeling up for it, I'll blast out a bunch of good stuff to last us into the week.

My focus is usually breakfast food and fresh snacks, since those are the things we're most likely to skip when things get busy. This includes stuff for Russ to bring to work—we save loads of $ rather than him eating out for 1-2 meals while at work in SF. I don't tend to prep ahead dinner items because I'm a weirdo and can't commit to a dinner meal that far in advance!? Unless that meal is at a restaurant or takeout in which case I will gladly pencil that in. Ha!

This week it took me only an hour, because by some miracle the girls played happily together and the baby napped in his bouncer the whole time. Other weeks it might take me twice as long with many interruptions or little "helpers" who aren't actually very helpful. Sometimes I put on a Disney movie or send the kids outside with Russ so I can get it all done.

During the week, I'll pack lunches in the evenings using leftovers and some of what I prepped on Sunday. By Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll need to wash and cut more fruit & veg and do another batch of oatmeal. 

Today was the first time I ever arranged all the goods for a photo—seeing it now makes me think, AWESOME, that was so worth the time. 


For the kids: "Lunchables" — Pink Lady apples, cut veggies, cheese, salami, crackers, chocolate chips. Packed in PlanetBox, we use the Rover.

For Russ: loaded oatmeal (will post the recipe soon!), hard boiled eggs, yogurt, Pink Lady apples + PB, cut veggies, leftover chicken enchiladas + rice. Packed in these new Pyrex containers that I am in love with!

For me: frittata with kale, shallots, tomatoes and ricotta, more loaded oatmeal

For the fridge: washed berries, washed, peeled, & cut veggies, blanched broccoli

Not pictured: alllll the dishes. I did some but Russ washed most of them, I love you babe.